fredag 3 oktober 2008

Hyllning till Lisra boyz

This is a celebration to the Lisra family. We have had the traditional dinner with Acke on the Wok Buffé house at Eroski with lots of food, beer and red wine and we wish that You all could have been here. We had a wonderful evening and enjoyed the good company. Karin was also with us. Before the dinner we where invitied to Casa Lisra for a glass of wine to the Ladys and a whiskey to the Boyz. (Soda and candy for the Kidz of course).
Johan can be safe, we followed the old man back to Acke road and he put all the keys into the right holes so we could se that he got home safe and in good condition before we walked home to Casa Melin. We are just sad that the son of Acke didn´t join us this year. We wish You and Your sun a joyful vacation here next week instead - Let´s plan better 2009 so we can be together then. We also missed the Melin-Mother this year. But we can´t get everything everytime. We could get spoiled. We are playing "Ensamma Sussi" on the computer - Guess You have heard it Johan? Muy Bien! Hasta pronto! Or sôm I säg hör dag i Törrevieja: - Una cupa vino blanco, por favor!